12 plus


2021 - 2022 TEAM


the drive

On a mission to support students in developing post secondary plans, 12PLUS helps make this a reality.


With Philadelphia having the highest crime rate coupled with its poverty levels, many inner-city students do not feel supported when compared to peers from out-of-city schools. For many, education ends after 12th grade, but with the increasing need for a degree to land more opportunities, it puts many students at a disadvantage. This poses a great need for positive impact with the coming generations. Every student deserves to feel supported during and after high school, which is where 12PLUS comes in.

12PLUS partners with schools to help break the stigma attached to the Philadelphia community. They work directly with students to empower them, by showing students different pathways after high school, but also by mentoring them during and after graduation.


The group, 12PLUS Alumni, acts as a support program for students after high school, so students never feel unsupported in their plans.

Fun fact! 12PLUS has never left a high school that they have served. The team takes pride in knowing they go above and beyond to build individualized and meaningful relationships with students, and this is only the beginning.